General Ophthalmologist Appointment status(Select the time)
The flow of an online appointment
- 1Chose date, time and Dr.
- 2Fill in e-mail adress
- 3Access to the URL in email and input your information
- 4Complete
Select an appointment time
Appointment status for June, 2023 |
◎ ○ =That time is available.
△ =That time is available.
×=Please call us.
■=Cataract operations are scheduled for this timeframe.
*Please note that the appointment time is the time you arrive at the clinic, not the time consultation starts.
Since an examination will be performed before the consultation, please allow plenty of time for your visit.
You can check the time frame from 11:00 to 19:00 by horizontal sliding.
May31(Wed.)-June6(Tue.) |
June7(Wed.)-June13(Tue.) |
Date |
Doctor |
Date |
Doctor |
May31(Wed.)-June6(Tue.) |
June7(Wed.)-June13(Tue.) |